Geyser gRPC Streaming

Information regarding our Geyser GRPC streaming service.

We use Yellowstone Dragon's Mouth gRPC geyser plugin for our GRPC service. This has proved to be the fastest and most reliable Geyser plugin that we have tested. It is regularly updated and has caused no major issues thus far. Thank you Triton for making this open source and continuing to maintain it!


GRPC tiers are differentiated by how many concurrent gRPC streams you can have active at any given time. Each GRPC stream allows you to "subscribe" to events of a specific Solana program with filters.

For example, in the standard streaming tier, which gives you 2 simultaneous gRPC streams, you could subscribe to the Pumpfun and Raydium programs at the same time and get real-time updates on what is happening on each of those Solana programs simultaneously.

Standard Streaming Tier

  • 3 simultaneous gRPC streams

Ultra Streaming Tier

  • 5 simultaneous gRPC streams

Elite Streaming Tier

  • 10 simultaneous gRPC streams


Standard Tier

  • $15 per day

  • $40 per week

  • $75 per month

Ultra Tier

  • $30 per day

  • $75 per week

  • $150 per month

Elite Tier

  • $60 per day

  • $150 per week

  • $300 per month

We recommend getting our private VPS if you just need more streams for personal trading reasons. gRPC inherently uses a lot of data (we have ours capped to about 100Mbps per stream) and we can get around paying for this data by streaming to our own VPS servers that we host.

Last updated